
Anybody attended funerals during their pregnancy term? If so, any extra actions need to be taken, eg. Tie red string around belly?

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No need to tie anything. Just go as per normal. More importantly, make sure you are well ventilated, hydrated, eat good food and careful of too much crowd.

My husband's granny passed away when i was 4months preggy. I went and helped but they didnt allow me to go to the cemetery.

My father-in-law passed away when I was pregnant but all is good. Gave birth to a healthy baby boy...that was 12 years ago

Super Mom

It depends on ur comfort level. If it will bother u a lot then better don’t go.

Not close then better don't attend. Stay home and rest. Virus are everywhere.

Super Mom

I did. I don’t really follow superstitions so I just went as per normal