still nauseous

Already week 14 but my nausea is not going away and still very dependant on nausea pills. Is it going to stop soon? Even after taking the pills, i still puke at times(1-2 times per day). Anything can i do to make the feeling go away ?

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I still remember i was like that too. Gradually the nausea and vomitting gets better, though not completely gone even at 25 weeks now. I try to get fresh air, sucking on sour plums, anything that makes me feel better.

For my 1st pregnancy my nausea stays for 8 months. the 9th month 1st half was terrible still then slowly went off. Haha i lost weight but baby gain weight so i dont worry too much.

Are you on Diclectin? Trying cutting down from 3 to 2 to 1 slowly. Try to drink some Milo and biscuits to prevent puking episodes.

Sometimes it may go into second trimester, hang in there!

Super Mom

Drink more water n do light exercise

Super Mom

It should go off during trimester 2

I will eat sour candy to ease

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I will eat some candy instead