Sharing of car seat

Do you allow other children to share your baby’s car seat? We have car that sometimes our families borrow, and they have a baby and a toddler. Previously, our car can allow for their transport. But now I am installing a car seat for my newborn and I wonder if I should be ok with the sharing of car seat for my newborn with other children. Currently, I don’t feel too comfortable with it. ?

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Newborn immune system is still growing and such, they are very susceptible to catching germs and virus. Best to explain to the family that for the time being, the car will not be available for other users

I have an OCD so i wont. But being OCD isnt just the reason, newborn immune system is too weak. Id rather not share carseat.

VIP Member

Try not to share if possible. To avoid catching infection or flu from other children

Better not to share

Super Mum

Best not to.

VIP Member

Better not

Hey, Better not to share

VIP Member

Best not to...

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Don't share, have your own one.

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Better don’t share