Mengandung Dgn Diabetes

Alhamdulillah.. Selepas 9 thun lebih usia Perkhawinan Allah SWT kurniakan Rezeki pregnant utk yg pertama kali. Tp kandungan ni kena jaga btul2 sbb sy baru je disahkan diabetic bln 10 thun lpas n sbb tulah sy susut berat bdan agak byk.ade x mommies yg ade pengalaman mcm sy? Sy risau kandungan yg msih awal ni..ade tips x?

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Diabetic women who get pregnant should continue to watch their diets and blood sugar levels as this might affect their foetus. I’m sure by now your doctor would have given you advice on how to manage your blood sugar. As diabetes is genetic, it’s likely that the genes will pass on to your next generation. But when you BREASTFEED, it can greatly reduce the child’s risk as well as help you maintain good health. Just watch what you eat. :)

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