After I found out that I'm pregnant with my second child, my milk supply has dropped tremendously (more than 50%). I'm still in early in my first trimester. Mummies who have experience breastfeeding while pregnant, will you share some tips as to how you keep your supply up and how do you manage breastfeeding as your belly grows?

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Yes, for both pregnancies my milk totally dried up when I am 3-4 months pregnant with baby no.2 and no.3. I have no choice but need to wean them off from the breasts as there is no more milk for them and I find it very pain for baby to suck during pregnancy. But I do have friends who still have milk supply till the day of delivery and subsequently do tandem breastfeeding. It's due to hormone changes in the body, so there is nothing can be done to increase the supply. If your kid is old enough, he/she can get nutrients from solids food already. Why does milk production usually decrease during pregnancy? - Progesterone levels gradually rise during pregnancy. One theory for the cause of decreased milk supply during pregnancy is that the progesterone makes the alveoli permeable, or “leaky,” so they can’t store milk well. At birth (the delivery of the placenta) progesterone levels drop dramatically, allowing prolactin to take over. Prolactin makes the alveoli impermeable, thus setting the stage for the return of copious milk production.

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