6 months old bath time

Is it advisable for 6mths old baby to bathe twice a day (one day & one before bed time)? Thank you

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Influencer của TAP

Normally I shower during the day and wipe during evening time. Unless very sweaty and sticky ill bath my baby in the evening too. Before night time is the best to prevent baby to catch a cold.

Esp in our climate, totally ok to bathe twice a day. My boy bathe twice a day ever since he was 1 month. He loves his bath alot and of coz i love a clean and fresh baby!

Super Mom

There's not really a need to unless your baby sweats a lot or likes to play in dirt 😜 but there's no harm either. My helper likes to bathe my baby twice a day too

Thành viên VIP

Usually, I would just wipe down before bed time instead of bathing. Will only bath at night if we go out the entire day

Thành viên VIP

Only bath once in the morning, and wipe down in the evening from birth.. my baby is now 9 months old 🙂

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Mine twice a day. Perspire too much. Especially crawling stage.

Influencer của TAP

I started twice since born, around 11am and before bed

Thành viên VIP

Mine too. Should be ok if dry properly after bath.

Super Mom

I bathe mine once a day

Thành viên VIP

2x a day is sufficient