9 wks.
9 wks apptment... tummy scan or v scan??
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I had my first appointment at 9 weeks, and the consultant only did a tummy scan on me (although was told by the staff nurse that a v scan will be done). You can see your tiny baby “swimming” in there already! Definitely a precious moment :)
Should be tummy. However if gynae can't see clearly, they will do another round of V scan.
Depending on gynae. Some gynae do tummy scan, some v scan, and some both! :)
Super Mom
Depends if tummy scan can see clearly. If yes, then no need v scan
Thành viên VIP
I think tummy. I had the tummy scan at 5 weeks.☺️
Thành viên VIP
Can do tummy scan to detect heartbeat already
my first visit already v scan...
Tummy for me.
Both for me
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