How to stop night feeding
My 8month girl still wake up for night feeding , normally 2 times .. how do I stop night feeding #firsttimemom #advicepls #pleasehelp

my 9 month old still need night feeding as well. he is eating solid 2 times a day (porridge) , 3pm I will give him some custard or biscuit. he is drinking 150-160ml every 3 to 4 hours in the day. for his last feed before bedtime I will give 150ml...he sleeps arnd 830 to 9pm and will require feeding + diaper change arnd 1230 to 130am . his next feeding is arnd 545 to 6am. I tried to experiment once not giving him milk after 6am but he kept moving in his sleep and ended up waking up feeling sleepy and cranky. so I suggest to cont feeding ur baby when they need so that they can sleep longer stretches. I realise my son moves lesser and sleep more soundly when I feed him twice at night, just gotta sacrifice our sleep as parents. I am a first time mum and it took me quite a number of months to accept this and adjust. at the end of the day when our child is happy , healthy and smiling it is worth every sacrifice ❤️ we are all in this tgt , all the best fellow parents !
Read moreHello some babies learn to sleep through the night only after 18 months or so. it differs from baby to baby. my baby is 15 months old and she still wakes up twice in the night sometimes even thrice. However we limited the feed to only twice, one formula feed about 120ml when she wakes up in the middle of the night, later early in the morning she will wake up once during which I breastfeed. One thing you can do to prolong the interval of the night wakeups is by giving a good solid food (preferably rice) in the last feed about 2 hrs before her sleep time. Just before sleep you can give 150-180ml formula. This helped to make her sleep atleast 4 hours at a stretch. Hope it helps
Read moreits normal... kids can wake up night for milk till certain age... mine till age 3+years old then stop waking up at night to find milk... just for a good night sleep, not a good reason.. having a child at all age you will be restless... not being harsh... but ur reason for a family good night sleep.. its totally unacceptable.... not an excuse...
Read moreMy baby is 18 months now. she still wakes up 1-2 times for her milk. She goes back to sleep immediately after drinking her milk and sleeps more soundly after that. If I don't feed her, she feels hungry, cannot sleep and will keep crying.
I always feel hungry and get up at 2/3am when I was a kid. It all depends on our individual metabolism actually. Hope you are coping well!
where did u get the idea that 8mo sleep thru the night? my 4y.o. still doesn't... time to do some R&D
fuller feeds & LOTS of playtime right before night sleep. All the best mummy!
I don't see there's a need to do so baby only 8months old
did u try feeding more than usual for the last feed before sleep
Yes , I give extra 10
May I ask why u need to stop night feeding?
for family better sleep