
My 6 months old watches nursery rhythms on TV everyday as my mom has been showing her nursery rhythms on tv since she was 3 months old. But my baby only watches nursery rhythms the others she shows no interest in watching. Wondering if it's fine? Nursery rhythms are educational.

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https://www.aap.org/en-us/about-the-aap/aap-press-room/Pages/American-Academy-of-Pediatrics-Announces-New-Recommendations-for-Childrens-Media-Use.aspx I would urge you to think about the long term effects and the need for your baby to interact with humans at this tender age. TV is super passive and a simple colorful book or singing with your child further their development so much more.

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My LO also 6 mths old. She loves to watch TV. Be it it's News channel, cartoon or the hokkien drama. At times I would go YouTube and let her watch sesame Street and she loves emlo! And also sensory videos. It's not like she is watching the whole 15-30mins. She will also look around her surroundings then watch TV. Didn't feel that she is addicted. She can do and without TV.

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Your baby is probably interested in the music and rhythm of the nursery rhymes. I am more concerned about her eyesight as babies can’t really see fast moving images (blurry to them) and the TV shouldn’t be too bright as well.

Super Mom

To me is not OK. Too young to watch Tv imo. Bad for their eyes, brain and they will get addicted to it.

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Mine watched but limited to 15mins

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My son loves watching news since little.

5y trước

Haha. My LO loves to talk to the news reporter.

Super Mom

For me too young to watch tv.

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Too young