My 6 months old has been getting skinnier and skinnier. He was born at 97 percentile, and is currently at 25... each checkup he drops by a percentile range. He only gained 100g in the last one month. Anyone knows what I can do to help him increase his weight? He is currently mixed feed- 4xBM, 1xFM. And is eating 1x purée food in the evening.

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Is he able to take in more milk? Or does he seem hungry quite often? It is normal for weight gain to slow down but I think 6mo a bit early to slow down to 100g. You can consider to give baby some snacks in the day too like fruits

7y trước

He doesn't cry when he's hungry though... which makes it difficult for us to gauge when he wants his milk. We normally feed 3 hours sharp but sometimes he won't even finish his 160ml. Like maybe drink 100-110 and he's done.