How do I dilate faster?
38 weeks 0cm dilated. Going to induce at 39 weeks, what should I do!!!

Walking for 1 hour or more, go up and down the stairs for 30 minutes, yoga for 1 hour. I do all those everyday and it makes me born the baby 37 weeks 😆😂cause water burst and dilated 3 cm when reach hospital 🙊 Perhaps you wanna try..
When I was 38 weeks I had the same thoughts too. Tried everything from exercising and drinking pineapple juice. Ended up inducing at week 40. I would say on hindsight to enjoy your sleep before the newborn phase
Keep calm. If possible can drag till 40 weeks since baby is comfortably in there. Once induced, just breath!
I tried everything that everyone suggested. No dilation even after induced. So I had emergency c sect.
Your doctor allow you to induce? Cos induce are more painful than let it naturally happen..
Hard to control, I would say relax & talk to your bum.
Getting up and moving around
Sitting on yoga ball?
walk and squats
have sex