38 weeks but not dilated any.
hello mummies. im a first time mum and my due date is in 2 weeks time. im kind of worried cause i havent dilate any yet. what can i do to speed the process ☹️

Mummy, there is still another 2 weeks. so no worry if there is no dilation yet. Some people dilate early, some late, some fast, some slow. Having dilation is just a sign that your body is preparing for labour but does not mean your baby is coming out soon. My first pregnancy I had been dilated for 1.5cm since week 36 and 3cm in week 37 but only gave birth in week 39. Then my 2nd pregnancy I had been dilated for 1.5cm since week 37 and thought I would give birth early as people say 2nd pregnancy is faster. But the dilation remains at 1.5cm all the way til my EDD. On morning of my EDD, my dilation remain the same as well and no other sign of labour. I arranged for inducement that night and suddenly I experience labour pain when I am just reaching hospital. Having said that, walking and squats do help. It will also help you have a smoother labour. Lastly, based on my survey from people around me, I realised that if you are having a boy, there is a very high chance that it will only come out after EDD and lead to the need for inducement. >
Read moreOmgg ! I’m in my 38 weeks too and due in 2 weeks ! I also haven’t dilate yet. Not even contractions. Just having cramps here and then. I usually walk for 20-30mins in 2-3 days in a week. If i don’t go for walk, i will do squats. Try to eat some dates too because i read it help to get u in labour fast too ! I cannot wait for my baby to come out thats why i did so many things. Hahaha jiayo mummy
Read more😱 Am i the only one that started to dilate real fast. First pregnancy, I started dilating at 36 weeks and gave birth at 37 weeks. Second, started way earlier 34 weeks and gave birth 36 weeks. I heard that walking helps! As for me I walk alot and do house chores 😅 I rarely in bed like most recommended
Read moreTotally normal . With my first baby at 39 weeks doctor did a membrane sweep on me to induce labor . Took me 3 days to get contractions . If ur baby is ready , then he or she will come out.
Yeah it could happen Mummy. It is so frustrating coz by this time all you wanna do is have your baby out 😢 consult your doc about this for any help you can get for dilation.
Walking and squats helps. Perhaps you can aim for 2 x 30 min walks per day but listen to your body. If you’re too tired and achy don’t sweat it, just take a rest!
May I ask, how do you know you’re not dilated? How did your gynae check..? I’ve gone for my 38 and 39 weeks scan but he didn’t mention anything about dilation..