Has my baby engaged yet?

35 weeks pregnant - how do I know if baby has started to engage? Are there any signs?

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For me, I experienced tummy 'drop', and frequent urination for both pregnancies. For no.2, suddenly one day I felt he moved less as compared to previous day and I was worried so I went to gynae. Gynae did a vaginal check and found that he has engaged that's why the head stuck there and unable to move much. http://trimestertalk.com/tell-baby-engaged-dropped/ What are signs that you have dropped and baby has engaged? -Lightening. This is the term used to describe the feeling when you can eat more and breathe better, due to baby not pushing against your organs to the same extent. -Sore pelvis. Often baby’s head can be right down in your pelvis, which can put extra weight on your pelvis and your ligaments and cause pain. -Feeling like the baby will ‘drop out’. Feel like every time you sit, you’re sitting on baby’s head, and every time you stand, that baby is going to drop out? Don’t worry, baby won’t drop out, but this is a common sign that baby has engaged right down in your pelvis. -Unable to close your legs. Some women find that the extra pressure in their pelvis makes it impossible or painful to close their legs. -Increased need to urinate. Because of the extra weight on your bladder, you may need to pee even more often than usual. -Your belly appears to be sitting lower. In some cases, your belly may sit noticeably lower. However some women carry low, even when baby isn’t engaged.

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If your baby has started to engage, you will notice that: 1. You find it easier to breathe now 2. You experience more pressure in your pelvic area 3. You need to make more trips to the bathroom 4. You experience pain in the pelvic/pubic area 5. There is increased vaginal discharge

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Thành viên VIP

Great question and congratulations on your pregnancy mum. Here are signs to look out for 1. You can breathe easier 2. There is more vaginal discharge 3. THere is pressure on your pelvic 4. You experience less heartburn 5. Your bump feels different 6. You need to pee more often Best of luck mama!

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4y trước

ill be o 36w tomorrow and i have all those signs and symptoms but baby is still breech

Thành viên VIP

Usually, the position of your baby can be felt through a physical examination by your gynae. You will also feel a heaviness in your pelvis - that's the baby's head pressing down. http://www.madeformums.com/pregnancy/what-does-it-mean-when-your-babys-head-is-engaged/35710.html http://www.babycentre.co.uk/x543054/when-should-my-babys-head-engage

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Im also in 35 weeks right now and most likely experiencing pain in pubic area, i can breath good rightnow. Om planning for nxtweek schedule for CS. Previos delivery is CS.

4y trước

ako 2cm na,35 weeks 4 days.. may pinainom ba sa inyo na softgel? yung nifedipine? pampawala daw ng contraction? will it prevent preterm delivery?

I had an experience about i was being slipped at the floor due to muddy situation . Was there an implication to my baby in my womb?

When the contraction more intense and the interval has pattern (this is from what I heard from midwife in youtube)

my baby kicks everytime mummy eats 🍪🍮

Ilang weeks pwidi na kaya mag pa c. S Baka kasi dpa malakas bb

3y trước

37 weeks pede n i cs.35 and 2 days ako ngayon, nakansked n ako sa.feb 12