How do I know when baby has engaged?

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For me, I experienced tummy 'drop', and frequent urination for both pregnancies. For no.2, suddenly one day I felt he moved less as compared to previous day and I was worried so I went to gynae. Gynae did a vaginal check and found that he has engaged that's why the head stuck there and unable to move much. What are signs that you have dropped and baby has engaged? -Lightening. This is the term used to describe the feeling when you can eat more and breathe better, due to baby not pushing against your organs to the same extent. -Sore pelvis. Often baby’s head can be right down in your pelvis, which can put extra weight on your pelvis and your ligaments and cause pain. -Feeling like the baby will ‘drop out’. Feel like every time you sit, you’re sitting on baby’s head, and every time you stand, that baby is going to drop out? Don’t worry, baby won’t drop out, but this is a common sign that baby has engaged right down in your pelvis. -Unable to close your legs. Some women find that the extra pressure in their pelvis makes it impossible or painful to close their legs. -Increased need to urinate. Because of the extra weight on your bladder, you may need to pee even more often than usual. -Your belly appears to be sitting lower. In some cases, your belly may sit noticeably lower. However some women carry low, even when baby isn’t engaged.

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Some signs that your baby has engaged: - you feel that you can eat more, breathe better (fetus is no longer pushing against your organs) - experience soreness around your pelvis (baby’s head could be at your pelvis, putting extra weight on your pelvis) - a sense that the baby will “drop out” - inability to close your legs (because of the extra pressure on the pelvis) - increased need to urinate (due to extra weight pressing on your bladder, increasing the frequency of you visiting the washroom) - belly appears to be sitting lower

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I only felt the dropping out aspect and didn't manage to experience the rest of the symptoms mentioned by Hui Qun.
