Spit out milk

My 2months plus baby almost everyday after milk will spit out his milk. Is it normal?

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Maybe you’re feeding him a little too much? Babies will go on and on because they don’t know. Can give small amount frequently instead of big amounts. Mine projectile vomit every few days it was quite worrisome until I reduced her intake and gave at frequent intervals instead. If all else fails maybe it could be the milk. Can try changing milk if he is not pooping or having wet diapers every 2-3hrs.

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It’s normal! My baby from birth till 6/7 months VOMIT not even SPIT is VOMIT I was so so so stressed out but it’s normal! Baby is healthy now at 9 months! I can even remember the smell of her puke just at the thought of it now Hais.... I don’t know how many bedsheets I’ve changed day and night!!! Burp or dont burp baby also vomit! PD say nothing to worry so okay lor dont bother she eventually stopped

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3y trước

It will be over soon!! You’re not alone in this it’s v v normal! For me my baby is fully BF and I even went to the point where I only latch her for 30s-1 min and she’ll also PUKE everything out!! My baby case was that bad! Even when PD said it was normal I was so so so stressed to the point where I cry because it’s so frustrating that I can’t do anything! I just joke around saying I’m a pro vomit cleaner now haha😅 prepare a roll of kitchen towel next to you! Be super fast to face baby on the floor so won’t make until bed or sofa!

yes as my son spit till 3 mos, sometimes a lot what I did change his milk then he spit out lesser he has reflux every after he drinks milk, the nurse says feed little but frequent now he is ok

Spit up is normal as their digestive system is still maturing. As long baby has enough number of wet diapers, gaining weight well, isn't so fussy aft feeding, it's alright.

Normal for reflux in babies unless projectile vomit, not feeding well and no wet diapers (atleast 6/day) then you'll need to worry.

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Yes for a few days
