Super stressful

28 weeks scan baby turn head down. Now(30 weeks) baby buttock is down. I am super stress. My husband is not helping at all. I talked to baby, I ask him to talk to baby too but I got pushed away instead. He was scolding me telling me why must i be stressful. This thing make me super stress and I have been super cranky with everyone including my toddler. I feel guilty. I do love her tho. But i feel like, people around me dont understand what i feel. I want to go for a normal birth so that i can have a peaceful recovery looking at my husband is not a hands on person. I do most of the things eg wake up at night, cooking, clean, bath my toddler. I dont know, I dont know what I am feeling.

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There is no point in stressing, if you think about it, ur baby just needs one moment to turn head down- and u still have about 10 weeks to go, it can happen! Stressing does no good, especially if there is nothing much u can do.