Red Itchy Eyes

My 2 yo has been having itchy red eyes for 5 days eversince. So far no pus. Brought him to see his PD and was prescribed with 2 types of eye drops and a running nose meds to help reduce the itch. Been 2 days now and the redness still there. After applying the eye drops, the redness will go away but after 2 hours or more the redness will come back. PD said it's not conjunctivitis. Should I be worried? Anyone faced this before with your lo?

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Take your child to your PD. At worst you will get a clear remedy, at best you wont worry anymore! :D

Thành viên VIP

I suggest you bring your child to see another doctor to get a second opinion

Thành viên VIP

Hmmm, best to bring your child to another pd or an Ophthalmologist

It could be an allergic reaction...

6y trước

Zyrtec oh yes! I will try find one later. Maybe it cld help. Thanks!!