Hi mummies, my 7mth old left eyes have abit of redness... abit worried now cause its been 2 days already... should i bring to the doc? is it normal?

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You may wish to clear up yourself 1st. If by 2moro is still red, or if you see discharges or condition is worse, please bring your lo to the doctor immediately.
redness in the eye is usually a sign of a broken capillary... if you're worried it is always good to get a doctors opinion :)
sign of broken capillary? meaning?
I will just bring my child to see at least a GP to have a piece of mind.
i have seen the pd and was prescribe tobradex eye drop.. pd say might be some kind of allergy with dust or something cause theres no discharge or redness in eye lid.. but the thing is tobradex contain steroid and i'm not so keen in using it...