Drinking milk too fast

My 2 weeks LO is always drinking milk too fast. Each feed, he will always choke and cough. Im currently using Hegen bottle with slow feed teat. On top of that, we can also hear some phlegm when he’s drinking milk. It’s always scary whenever it’s time to feed him. Isit because of the formula milk , or the milk bottle?? Help! 😣

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Change bottle. Try Pigeon or Philips Avent’s bottles. FM normally will cause phlegm in babies but it gets better over time.

Same problem! But we bottle feed him both breast milk and formula. I’m very troubled over the choking and gulping part.

5y trước

I’m using fairprice gold! He is one month in a few days time and we have been feeding him formula since he was 4 day old. So probably its not the formula for my case.

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Phlegm might be the FM.

5y trước

Yes. I know pigeon slow is slower if you wanna try.