Any suggestions how I can transit my LO (18 months old) from drinking milk using a milk bottle to using a cup? Each milk feed is 300ml for him. The amount of milk per feed is quite a lot. So I'm not sure if he can finish the milk in the cup as well as how he finishes the milk in the bottle . Mommies can share how you transit them ?

You can consider trying umee penguin cup. Very cute design, so my girl didn’t reject it also. And the penguin flippers make it very easy for their small hands to hold. I like that it doesn’t leak too ◡̈ And it actually survived a lot of my girl’s throws 😂
Read moretransit to straw first. but the amount of milk u can consider to make it lesser ml . as 300 ml in cup really hard for a 18month to finish 1 short . not to rush . or other way is maybe u can bring him let him choose his fav cup
Give lesser portions in a cup and slowly increase the intake Otherwise don't rush and just let him drink from his bottle.
Transit to a straw first! Straw is easier compared to cup!
😱😱 why is 18mo drinking 300ml per feed?!!
Straw cups are helpful or the non spill cups.