My #2 will be due in jan and my #1 will be 13mths then. Bcos of the very close age gaps and both are same gender, im handing down items frm #1 to #2. At 31 wks today, i am still lost abt what i need to prepare/get (new stuff) for #2 since we have everything including newborn feeding set (gift fr #1). Since there's a babyfair coming up, thought it'll be gd to just buy things there. What do u mummies with 2 babies with such close age gap prepare for the newborn?

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Hi, I think you can use most of the clothes of your first one if you already have them. Since, your first one is only 13 months, his clothes would be handy and not even worn out. So, the ones that you find are really new, you can use them for the second one. Apart from this, you can buy one or two pair of clothes, vests and t-shirts and pyjamas, mittens, newborn diapers, bottles, wipes towels, bibs, etc. And I suggest, do not buy too many things right away as you can use many things of the first baby.

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