my 15 week dau keep crying n crying suddenly. It is due to growth spurt. I hv to literally carry for long time to calm her down. Just happen today only. Any idea??

when she cries, does she rub her ear or take her feet up to her tummy or curl over a particular side? if rubbing ear then it's ear pain, if leg to tummy then it's colic pain or gas or discomfort, if turning to a particular side then just wrap her in cloth wrapping. instd of carrying her on ur shoulders try holding her like u would hold a dog. her face and body should be horizontal or sleeping position face down. while doing so rub her back gently. keep room cool. her clothes should be thin light airy. keep fan full on or AC on. play soft music. curtains should be closed. no one should disturb u for 20 minutes at least.
Read morethere might be times where your baby is over stimulated in the day. plus this period there are also going to learn how to sleep through so that happens. just have to be patience. you can also try body massage your baby with baby oil before bed. it's a good way as sometime it might also be colic
Typically baby cries could be due to reasons like hungry, soiled diaper, colic and not feeling well. Not too sure is due to which reason..monitor closely to see if this pattern persists on for next few days. Sometimes could be scare and want comfort.
Babies goes thru wonder weeks. Meaning during certain weeks (thunderstorm week), they will be very fussy or hard to handle. So learning the wonder weeks, as mothers we are more prepared n more patient in dealing with the baby :)
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if u have given enough milk for baby, then use things with sound to distract LO attention to turn fussy or cry. i always on smoothing music while i pacify LO with pacifier and sing along to LO
jelly cozz i hv already stopped breastfeeding. Because she doesnt want to latch coz of short nipple. Moreover; low supply. What other authonative i could do. its crazy n tiring.
Yes growth spurt happens and baby will always feel cranky and restless, and their demand for milk is faster just don't get yourself stress out and comfort your baby
Mine too, 13 weeks, it's pretty random, just happens from time to time and is hard to calm her down. Can't pinpoint what the cause is.
its normal. mine last for 3 months. it was crazy! just latch and comfort her. shes having a hard time trying to sleep.