Baby phlegms
Hi my 1 month old has phlegm in her throat anyone know what to do?
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Hi! I recently went to my paediatrician and asked about the same thing because I have an electric nasal aspirator and I use regularly but my baby was still wheezing like got phlegm at back of throat. Doctor say as long as baby not too bothered then never mind and continue using nasal aspirator, but he also explained that this is a response to the environment - likely dust. But my baby is 3 months old, not sure if got difference. Do check with your provider!
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if given formula milk lessen the milk more water first. illadin drop on each nosetrils use humidifier
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6mo trước
give baby firm tapping on his back. she will poop the phlegm out
Influencer của TAP
nasal aspirator
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