Hi mommies, one time my baby poop and there is a tiny blood stain then I referred it to our pedia. We conducted an occult blood test and the result is positive. I mix breast milk & formula, as per our pedia may be she is somehow allergic to her milk. I was advised to avoid high protein & dairy food and changed formula to nutramigen. We are still on our observation for 2 weeks. I’d like to know what is your idea on our situation now. #firstbaby #pleasehelp
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During this pregnancy period honestly I’m denial with my body weight. Before I only weigh 50-51kg , I’m conscious with my diet and I do exercise often. Until I became pregnant whenever I have prenatal schedules weight is being monitored but I don’t want to see what the nurse put on my record. And yesterday I decided to get to know my weight, I was shocked I reached 64.5 kg already. With this I’m motivated to do squats everyday and eat what is only enough for me & for baby in a day. 😊 #thoughtssharing #weightconcioushere
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