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JC, Philippines

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What I go through being pregnant for the first time...

At first it is a very overwhelming stage, most especially it is my first time and my pregnancy is unexpected. I was 6 weeks and 6 days when I found out that I'm pregnant. My daily routine all change on a blink of the eye. What I do when I woke up, what I eat, how long my sleep is, my alcohol and smoking in take also needed to be stopped and so much more. It is not easy as it looks because being pregnant is a long process and long adjustment for my self and for my husband. We both need to communicate in order for us to understand every stages and especially the process. Carrying a life inside of you is a beautiful and on the other hand a hard stage of a woman's life cause your every move can affect the whole process. Every pain and every sacrifices for me is worth it once you've heard that first heart beat... It is a mixed emotions feels like your so happy, you get hight and you cry all at the same time. And it is the most wonderful feeling in the world. ❤ Every Pregnant Woman wants to be understood by how they feel and what they have been experiencing through the process. Most of the time we seek help, care, love and understanding cause that is what we need while carrying this precious life inside of us. We experience a lot of changes with our looks and on what we feel it is like your gambling and you don't control of you'll win or not. That's what we feel we don't know and we can't control it. Just showing us that we are understood, loved and taken care of is a big help for us. ❤

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