how long can LO goes without peeing ttn?
My LO started sleeping thru the night like 6-8 hours. he is currently 3 months ( 2 months corrected age) and over the night after the last feed, dry diapers. is that normal? pees normally during the day. Also he has somekind of milk strike right now. drinking 70-90ml at most. #firstbaby #advicepls #FTM
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My LO is 3 months (2 months adjusted) sudden feed drop from 110ml - 130ml to only 30ml - 60ml per feed. idk whats causing this. Generally he pees & poops ok. no fever, not sick. changed the teats, still the same. is it the milk? is he bored of his milk? is this just a phase? #help1sttimemompls vas happeninggg
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