I tested positive one day after my missed period. But the lines are inconsistent and today it is slightly fainter than the day before. I am about 6 weeks in (as per app). Is it normal to see faint lines everyday after my missed period. In the pic, the day is referring to from my first day of test till today. Also, when is the best time to engage a obgyn? This is my first pregnancy. #firsttimemom #advicepls #Positive #faintline #ttc #singapore
Đọc thêmAfter long hiatus here, I came to find out that I have pcos and it could lead infertility or more difficult to get conceived. I don't really see posts on infertility and I would like to hear your success or failure stories on pregnancy while suffering from similar chronic illnesses. So my question is how were you able to conceive and what changes you make in your life to do so? #pcos #ttc #bfp #pregnancy #infertility
Đọc thêmHow do you deal with pregnancy envy?
I am feeling down seeing posts and people around me that are of the same age with babies and toddlers, basically children of their own. Seeing posts of pregnancy and baby toys when I have been TTC for awhile now. I have no children and been having baby fever for quite sometime now. It has been really difficult juggling being happy for them but also wanting and desiring the same for myself. How do you manage your emotions if you have ever experienced something similar to this? #ttc #pregnancyenvy #Sadness #babyfever As I am in my 30s, there's always a worry at the back of my mind that I could never bare children or it'll be too late
Đọc thêmI have been off BCP for 2 months and tried to conceive through natural conception. Last month I gotten my menses so we tried again this month and today is supposed to be the start of my period. I tested this morning and it shows as negative and I am feeling defeated. I have regular menses that is always on time and am still trying to learn to get a positive result. I ordered ovulation test strips to better my chances. I am curious how long it took for you to conceive your first child and did you go through all the recommended steps like taking ovulation tests and keep track of your BPO etc. I could use any advice! I guess I just need some encouragement and support at this point. Thanks all in advance! #advicepls #firstbaby #pregnancy #pleasehelp #tryingtoconceive #ovulation #negativetest
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