Candida albicans during pregnancy
Hi guys.. Im very prone to vaginal candidiasis especially during my pregnancy. Is there any tips to prevent. I have been taking probiotics. Drink at least 3litres of fluid. Wash everytime after toilet visit and so. But it kept coming back. What should i do.23weeks #advicepls #pleasehelp #23weeks
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Emergent cervical cerclage on 22w....
Im on arabin pessary since 15w and on my 22w abdomen ultrasound clearly shown U-shaped funneling. Specialist then proceed with transvaginal ultrasound and pelvic exam and found out that 1cm dilated and 1cm cl. Currently on my 22w and has just undergone emergency mcdonald cerclage. I seriously need some positive thought/experience/success stories and please pray for me! Thank you ladies.. #Pregnancy22Weeks
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