Pain n blood after vaginal swab.
Earlier today during check up,doc do this vaginal swab as currently i'm on 35 weeks pregnant.Right after the swab,i went to toilet and discover there's a blood.When i reach home,i went to toilet again n there still a blood after i urine.After 2 hrs seems like normal only thing when i urinate it feels pain. Is it common to have blood after this vaginal swab and pain.#advicepls
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Went to doc yestetday,doc advise me to take aspirin because one due to my age i'm yurning 43 this year,2nd to prevent me from having high blood,protein in my urine and blood flow to baby.I dont wish to take first but i cant stop thinking bout it because doc keep on saying dye yo my age baby may get down symdrome n i have to take extra precaution.My mind just cant stop thinking about it. #advicepls #pregnancy #secondbaby
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