What to expect at week 26...
Do you want to know if you can tell your baby's eye color as early as now? And find out what happens when you direct light to your belly. As for you, mum, go for some shopping therapy to dress your bump. It's a great way to enjoy the last week of your second trimester!
Your Baby's Development
In this week by week pregnancy guide, you'll learn that:
- You won't be able to tell your baby's eye colour until he is six months out of your womb. But now that he can open his eyes, there is nothing much to see inside the uterus.
- His hearing system (cochlea and peripheral sensory organs), which started developing in the 18th week, is now completely formed.
- The air sacs of the lungs, called alveoli, will be completely developed by the end of this week.
Pregnancy Symptoms
- You will see an extremely protruding bump. Your uterus will be about 6.35 cm above the belly button.
- You are an insomniac because you are (and have been) working your way through backaches, heartburn, and leg cramps. These make it difficult to drift off peacefully.
- You are experiencing high blood pressure. It is probably still lower than before you conceived, but you may have to check for preeclampsia. It is a condition characterised by high blood pressure.
- You are experiencing round ligament pain, which is caused by your expanding uterus.
- Is your vision becoming blurry? This is probably because hormones decrease tear production, and this leads to dry eyes.
Pregnancy Care
- Keep a check on your food and exercise to strengthen the walls of your uterus in preparation for the birth.
- If you are experiencing the round ligament pain, try to do some gentle exercises to prepare the pelvic bone.
Your Checklist
- Fix up a time for a maternity photoshoot.
- It is time to go shopping, again! Yes, you have to dress that bump and the protruding belly from prying eyes.
- Set up a maternity tour of your hospital.
Is your vision becoming blurry? This is probably because hormones decrease tear production, and this leads to dry eyes. Drop some Eye-Mo in there!
Set up a maternity tour of your hospital. This will leave you well prepared for what is to come.
If you are experiencing the round ligament pain, try to do some gentle exercises to prepare the pelvic bone.