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3369 Người theo dõi
Cesarean at mount Elizabeth orchard
I'm going for cesarean in 2 weeks time but I am very nervous about it.I dun know what is expect.e.g.will the nurse insert the urine bag before sending to operating theatre. Will I have skin time with newborn straight after op or only after I send back to general ward.If baby goes to NICU,will I be able to ask the nurse to send the baby to my room for awhile then send back to NICU?
Hospital Delivery Charges
Hi mummies! I need some advice on the estimated total bill charges for mums who gave birth at Mount E hospital with C-section and opted for 2 Bedder. Want to know how much to expect before delivering! 🙏
Baby girl Head circumference at 29.1cm at 37weeks 6days
Hi all, can I check baby girl head circumference at 29.1cm at week 37 day 6 is it consider too small? Was asked to induce in another 5days time, is there anything that could help baby grow in short period of 5days. Has gdm tho.#pleasehelp #advicepls
Hi, any recommendations for breast pump please? And how about the Haakaa pump as well?
Going to be due any day
Saw this on Instagram and can relate so much… any mummy feeling the same thing?
Eyebrow embroidery after birth
Hi can one do eyebrow embroidery after birth while breastfeeding?
Membrane sweep
Hi, fellow mummies! FTM here.. I'm currently 38 weeks and considering membrane sweep.. it was mentioned during my previous gynae checkup. So just wondering if any of you here ever went through with this procedure and is it recommended? Also, I'm having this irrational fear that my baby doesn't want to come out.. 😅 because I've yet to see any dislodge of mucus plug or bloody show or any major signs of labour. Just a lot of pooping time, "menses cramp" feeling and sore back. Is having a "bloody show" a right of passage for Labour or not always? Thank you to any of you for answering my worries.
Hi mummies Continue taking pre natal supplements after giving birth?
I have some prenatal supplements (calcium, iron, vitamins , folic acid) left. Can I continue to take them even I have given birth 2 weeks ago? It would be a waste of money if I throw them away. #advicepls #pleasehelp
Can my boyfriend be registered in birth certificate
Hi mummies, i got pregnant with my boyfriend. Can my boyfriend be registered in birth certificate as the father if we are not married? Also, can i use his last name or i have to use mine?
PUPPP rash
Hi! I was blessed with no morning sickness so I thought I was lucky. Until I suddenly got rash on my arm. Then it suddenly spreads rapidly and its all over my body now! The itch is intense and crazy. Initially thought it was hives but when I went to dr, she diagnosed me with PUPPP. It was crazyyyyyyyy especially when the rash triggered. Now thankfully it is flat and smooth now, but I'm left with pigmentation from the rash and all that scratching. Itch has reduced by alot but it is still itchy. Sighhhhhhh. Anybody experiencing the same? Share your stories please!