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Looking for E bridge uniform size 2 or 3 for girl. Both AM and PM set.
E bridge uniform
Is it normal for my 18 months old to be able to tell colours & numbers correctly?
Wondering if she's adapting too fast or too slow.
Jelly egg white discharge with brownish blood.
Hi, may I know any mommy encounter this type of discharge before? Thank you.
Excessively blinking.
Hi, mommies. My first born son is 3.5 yo. Previously he had been blinking his eyes excessive and it stopped on it own for about few months. Now it’s back again! Do anyone of your toddler experience the same thing? We do not have myopia and he still can spot airplane in the sky. So we will ruled out that he’s nearsighted. Thank you.
16mth not gaining weight and ht?
16 month weight 8.2kg and ht only 68cm? Any similar case and what doc said? Any advise what to give?
Crayon on the wall
Both my kids starting to draw on the wall ,, help,, how to remove???? Please recommend things that can really remove the stain
Does Screen time affect learning in daily activity?#15months #learning
Screen Time
Not walking yet
My daughter is 13m18d but she was a preemie hence her corrected age is about 11.5 months. She’s not really standing independently yet. Is it normal?
Is it normal for a 15 month old baby to keep waiting up in the middle of the night to ask for milk ?
#advice #FTM #firsttimemom #firstbaby
Twin baby mom here..identical twins which 2 babies stay 1 house?would like to knoe delivery experien