11 Replies

VIP Member

Awwww! That’s Great! Rem the 3 days rules to test any allergy- try Avocado purée first! -apples / pear / peaches / banana ( fruits purée ) - steamed mashed potatoes ( unsalted ) - sweet potatoes w milk or porridge - peas - veggies purée / w milk - carrot purée / w milk ( not Everyday bcos can caused constipation ) - cereals - Baby pasta at 8 months n above

Wow! I didnt know! Thx for letting me know!

Super Mum

Wow! How old is your baby? My baby is 8months old already. Started off with baby cereal, then slowly proceed to vegetable puree like pumpkin puree, spinach puree etc.. Then onto fruits puree like apple, pear etc.. I tried BLW too. Then I gave her threadfin fish porridge, chicken porridge. I am going to give her egg yolk this week.

Oh wow!! Thats interesting!! I wanna try tooo

my little one loves veggie steam and make a puree how old is he?mine is only 4 months but begs for food 😫 i give ger just few spoons in the morning

5 months turning 6th in 11days!

VIP Member

Hi... you might wanna try some of the recipes suggested in this article https://sg.theasianparent.com/easy-snack-recipes-for-toddlers

Can feel your joy from here! He’s so cute :)

Awwww....sooo cute. Thanks for sharing

aww he so cutie pie 🥰

VIP Member

Super adorbs(:

Super Mum



Celebration time mummy!

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