Troubled with hubby issues, suspects he subscribes to OnlyFans

Ytd I found a bank statement of his spare account which he usually don't even touch, and also not much money inside. So I saw that he deposited some money inside on 3rd Sep, and throughout Sep, there were quite a few transactions on games and OnlyFans. I confronted him on this, he admited to spending money on games, but not on OnlyFans. He told me he lost the card too. I didn't bother questioning him further because he's very good with words and I won't be able to get him to admit something he's not willing to. But because he has a bad track record of lying and similar situations has happened before, its hard to trust his words, as much as I want to. I hope to find out the truth because honesty is important to me in a marriage and I want to know whether he's being honest to me this time. But then I have no idea how to find out the truth. I can check his phone but he could easily use a fake email to register and delete his browser history. I can also forgot and let go of this incident, but I'm worried it may fuel to something worse in future. I also dw to be controlling towards him. I wish he can just admit it so we can move on but then again, what if he's saying the truth? But how often does someone get unknown OF transactions on his bank statement if he doesn't have OF account and only realized he lost his card when he's being confronted? It's not logical although not entirely impossible. If someone were to pick up the card and use it on OF, wouldn't it require an otp for the transaction to go through? Sorry for the lengthy post. May seem like a small issue but it's bothering me. Any thoughts?

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Lately, my marriage has hit a rough patch, and suspicions about my husband subscribing to OnlyFans are causing turmoil. His late nights on his phone fueled my concerns. I discovered OnlyFans Manager at offering insights into his account. It's been a helpful tool in unraveling the truth amid emotional distress. Hoping for clarity and a chance to address our issues openly.

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