Taking care of newborn

Any of your husband is not supportive enough? And didn’t even help to feed or change baby diaper? And keep saying that he is the sole bread winner of the house and needed more rest... how do you all cope alone in the midnight to take care of baby? Or how do you all tell your partner?

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Super Mom

Mine will only help if I ask otherwise will just lie on sofa play with phone ?. Midnight feeds are 100% me. Babies already bond better with mummies and many will straight out reject the daddy when they're a bit older. So I tell him to try and be more involved if he wants the baby to love and respect him in the future. It helped a bit but he still needs to be constantly reminded.

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5y trước

Wow! At least your will listen abit. Mine abit stubborn will always have his own point of view. Sometimes I am super tired to talk to him. How old is your bb now? ?