Lazy Husb

Any of your husb dont lift a finger to help with any chore? My husb wouldn't even vacuum or mop the house once a week. Other chores no need say alrdy. Throw rubbish also need to force him to throw. All he does is play with his phone at home. Wtf man i wish i was nvr married.

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Suddenly I feel so blessed, when I diagnose slipped disc I can't keep bending he do all the housechore. Moreover now I'm expecting doctor advise I can't walk much he wake up every morning just to cook my lunch for me to bring office... I think no point talking to guy to want make them awake their idea. U can only endure or leave him.

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5y trước

Ya rly no point to talk. Cos when i did, he said y he should help me when i can do everything on my own. He thinks I'm wonderwoman

U are not alone. Mine throws his clothes BESIDE the laundry basket instead of INTO. Doesn't help out at home at all. He doesn't even know where most things are. I've given up n downgraded him to my eldest son. I've been telling ppl I already have 3 sons (30yo, 5yo n 2 months old) when they ask when I'm having another one. No thanks

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6y trước

The very reason y I'm contemplating whether to have another kid. But 1 is a bit too lonely and anw, let's train our kids to not be like their dad! My husb has been leaving his cup on my side of the table when he's done for breakfast. I'm like, seriously??

Thành viên VIP

Ask him for help! My husband’s helping around with chores i.e. mopping floor, tidying up the bed and even ironing my clothes when it gets too much. Some men need to be told what to do (if not they’ll say “why you didn’t tell me”) so it’s good to gently tell him that you need help ◡̈

6y trước

Oh dear... maybe can try letting him know that you need help esp now that you’re pregnant and that he has to play his role as a husband/father too? Hope everything works out for you in the end!

Super Mom

It happens to me too. And hub says i stay home but the house looks the same. Not clean. So for 1 week i didnt clean the house. I didn't wash dishes, didnt wash clotges, didnt vacuum, didnt mop, basically didnt do and cleaning. So end up he said sorry and help me do chores whenever he can

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6y trước

And yes, both my toddler and i have sinus. So I'm particular about cleanliness too but just so annoyed that i have to do everything on my own. For part time maid he say why waste money

My husband was like that too. As he dont agree having a helper, im left with no choice but to set my rules. now i have a routine timetable for him and his chores. But sometimes also he forgot to do or pretend to forget. And i still have to remind him sometimes.

Hi, Please talk to him about this and discuss that if he doesn't want to help then may be you should get helper. My husband helps me a lot with household chores and that way we are able to manage the time as well

Was he raised by his mum doing all that for him? Even before married did not do any household chores? What does marriage means to him? A wife is a maid? Wont and very hard to change one this type of ppl.

6y trước

The irony is that he was the most helpful one at his parent's home. He did all the housework as his siblings were lazy

Super Mom

Did u try telling him to help? Some guys need to be told what to do. Or hire those helper to come once a week

Thành viên VIP

Did you try discussing with him about this? Tell him about sharing the chores and that you can't cope alone.

Don't say that lah. Try encouraging him and complimenting him when little progresses are made.