just moms

Yday it was nightmare for me i am 5 weeks pregnant suddenly bleeding started for me i went to the doctor he told me it is not ectopic pregnacy and he scanned and sac was not visible then we went for lower scanning at last we have found it he told me its is so small around 0.2 mm distance and to stop bleeding he gave me duptason and today bleeding stopped .

just moms
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Thành viên VIP

same situation! I was on duphaston during the 1st 3 months of pregnancy and also HL for bed rest. Take care and rest more!

Super Mom

Take care and rest more. Go for all your appointments too, so you can see how your little one is doing

Take care! I was on duphaston for first 8 weeks cause had some cramps. Hope you are doing well.

Same situation as mine . Just rest as much as possible and do not carry heavy things .

5y trước

Ok thanks

Take care and rest well! Don’t walk around too much. And if you’ve got HL, rest in bed.

I have one nore scanning on 14 outcome i will let u know and bleeding had stopped completely

5y trước

That’s good!

Duptason makes me Super Super drowsy. Any of the medication causing body aches ?

5y trước

No aches

Super Mom

Continue to take duphaston as per doc advice. Rest well. Walk less. Bed rest more

Hi. I'm in the same situation as you. May I know what is the outcome?

Thành viên VIP

I hope everything would be ok. Pls take care Mummy!