Pregnancy Tips!

Hey y’all! Me and my hubby just found out we’re preggo! I was hoping I could get some tips and tricks for managing my lifestyle during my pregnancy. Thank y’all! #adviceplease #attentionallmommies #1sttrimester

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congratulations! 👏🏻 I have a relatively easy pregnancy with no nausea/ vomitting, no heartburn, slight breathlessness and not much swollen limbs or aches. and I want to tell you that this is what you should be framing your mind to how your pregnancy should be. full of ease, enjoyment and humbled at how your body can do to grow a baby! Read up on books like the womanly art of breastfeeding & birthing from within. these 2 books change my life. understand how a physiology birth works, and decide if you want to hire a doula who works for you and only you. plan and plan for your postpartum. talk about your child rearing philosophy, have then aligned with your partner and whoever's supporting you for postpartum. gather your contacts! from birth workers to body workers. to holistic and alternate healing folks. you'll need them more than any other times in your life. and if you do feel any discomfort, lean into it. your body & your baby is telling you something. be curious as to your food cravings and adversion and seek for a healthier alternative. have a homeopathy home kit with you. it has all the natural remedies you need to support you through pregnancy, birth & postpartum. I regret not knowing about it soon enough as I have a back labour. could have used it to support me then. last but not least, pregnancy is the most amazing personal development journey you'll ever go through. you'll be highlighted about your deepest fear, your traumas, your lineages issues. Birthing, is the most transformational time of your life. you literally cross the realms to welcome your baby to earth. Parenting, is the most challenging time where you are forced to do inner work to the issues that you have that'll keep surfacing. I leave you with my favourite mantra through my pregnancy, birth & parenting journey - Trust your body, trust your baby & trust the process. We carry along the ancestral knowledge of how to conceive and birth lives. trust yourself. you and your baby are one in this pregnancy journey. let no one doubt what you think, and what you want.

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