Would tattoos on my breast skin affect my baby? I'm pregnant. I've tattoos on my breasts and stomach. I'm afraid if there would be any chemical problem or such to the baby during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Am scared Need help

A pre-existing healed tattoo that you have before pregnancy will have no effect on breastfeeding. However, because breast size alters dramatically during pregnancy and breastfeeding, your tattoo may be stretched. While pre-existing tattoos generally do not present problems during breastfeeding or pregnancy, it is advisable not to get new ones until after the baby is born and weaned from the breast. As for tattoos on your stomach area, if you have a lower back tattoo and decide to have an epidural during labour, the doctor will likely try to insert the needle through skin that isn't tattooed, such as an open area in the tattoo design. If possible, the doctor might choose a different space along your lower back. If that isn't possible, the doctor might scrape or nick a bit of your skin before inserting the needle. This reduces the possible risk associated with trapping tattoo pigment inside the needle and contaminating the anesthesia. I've plenty of mommy friends with lower back tattoos and so far, haven't heard of any associated problems with epidural administration but then again, their tattoos are pretty small and doesn't take up the whole of their back. They probably had their epidural administered in an area that's tattoo free.
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Like what Yuna mentioned, a pre-exisiting tattoo will not have any impact on your fetus or breastfeeding. As there will be changes to the size of your breasts during and after the pregnancy, the appearance of your tattoo may change as well. You can also apply stretch mark creams so that it can help minimize stretchmarks and also prevent having those marks affecting your tattoo.
Read moreNo, won’t affect, on my own experience, my tattoo was a little itchy while I was pregnant, though it was very old tattoo, I had them since 5 years, if that would happens to you to, please Don’t scratch it, just apply a lotion on it.
They won’t hurt the baby if the are old tattoos