FTWM with LO in IFC

Hi working mummies that sent your child to infant care, just wondering do you guys knock off on the dot usually to pick your LO up? or even if your husband picks up, would you all want to go home as soon as you can to spend time with them? I just changed a job and I always leave on the dot to be home as soon as I can to help out my husband as well, to feed, bathe and put our LO to sleep. Cos i know it’s hard to take care with just 1 person too. Also because my LO sleeps really early on weekdays 7.30-8pm ish due to insufficient rest in school. So i just want to spend that short hours with him before he sleeps too. But i feel in the new workplace, there is a lot of judgement like i am obligated to OT, go socialise after work etc. but family is my priority, and I still log in to continue my work from home after my LO sleeps, and its been mentally exhausting. Just wondering how you guys managed it? 😔#firsttimemom #FTM

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i prioritise my baby (for now!) i knock off on time and rush to pick up baby but i keep the night routine very short. so now i feed, wipe down, brush teeth, some play time and then off to bed! at work i’ll reach early/on time so that when i leave on time noone can say anything. but i’m lucky that most of my colleagues are parents too so there’s a mutual understanding. don’t worry too much. you will get the hang of it and you really can’t do much if you’ve done your best and still your colleagues judge. you’re not obliged to OT or socialize after work. maybe give it some time. you’re new so you might be self conscious about these things. but i’m sure people will understand. don’t be too hard on yourself ok?

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