22 Replies

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Sometimes, depending on the food that I consume. Some food give me more energy and some make me feel more lethargic

VIP Member

heyhey, there was a period that I was super tired. I took chicken essence and ginger tea and it got much better!

Any brand to recommend? I feel the same always feel tired.

Yes but sleeping early with the little ones do help, intermittent sleep but better than not enough slewp

VIP Member

Same same. I smell essential oil (dōTerra lemon oil or peppermint) when feel tired and sleepy.

Yes yes! I need to sleep at least 10 hours. Thags a lot compared to other adults.

Yes I also need 10 hrs of sleep and my colleague just now commented why I need to sleep so much. She is 50 yo of course at this age don't need so much sleep and she don't have any kids.

you could be anaemic, try taking more iron supplements to help you.

Yeah at times . I down quite abit of caffeine on days like these . 😣


i do feel u..but i always use my travelling time to rest..it help alot .

same here

VIP Member

No I don't feel sleepy at work. I need about 6-7 hours of sleep.

Dear take vitamin B. Maybe lack of nutrients. Or take a break.

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