How do you care for your baby on your own?

Hi working mummies! Due to space constraints, I’m seriously considering taking care of my baby on my own till I go back to work. Currently we are staying at my in laws and we have a part time helper who does housework. I’m not expecting my in laws to help with taking care of baby. MIL & SIL work and FIL is not so mobile. May I check with mummies who managed to take care of your baby wo any confinement lady or helper for tips? I’m 3 months to my EDD now. Feeling the anxiety kicking in cos I’m really unsure how I can manage as a FTM. :( I’m wondering if I can just try my best to cope and when I go back to work, i can get a day care nanny to take care of my baby. Cos of the space constraints, I doubt a helper would be an option.

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u can try to get come part time helper if possible and make your life bit easy. In case u don’t want to keep full time helper then I will highly recommend putting baby in day care so that atleast your baby can learn something and you can avoid screen time as much as possible. But do that only when baby has started eating solids.

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