Work From Home
What do you dislike most about working from home? Share with us in the comments below.

I love it. I am equally productive, if not, more productive than working in office. Saves me time and money on travelling to and from home. I can even send my kids to school and pick them up after that too.
I am almost third trimester but my company is not letting me work from home despite the fact that we can. Just feeling anxious going out Everyday with the corona virus spreading around 😞
finding it more difficult to disconnect with work and the multiple calls. but i definitely appreciate the hours saved from commuting, and having more energy to focus on work.
Been working from home since Dorscon Orange. Then just now manager ask to strt back work this Fri. Now 36weeks pregnant. What even... 😔😔😔
I feel even more guilty for not being able to attend to my little one as hes right in front of me but im expected to attend a meeting. Its a sucky feeling.
I love it cause i am nauseated most of the time due to the heightened sense of smell of the cooked dishes. WFH gives me time to adapt to become preggers
company said work from home but if there are meetings, got to go back physically for the meeting 🤷🏼♂️🤷🏼♀️
i seriously don’t know when to stop working. Like in office I’ll stop cause I wanna go home. But now I’m already home!
I feel more productive to work from home. No need to spend time travelling plus can eat homecook food.
Sometimes sit too long, because can't really walk out and take a stroll... So i usually take 45 mins nap