Wise parents, pls tell me which of these three Low cost diaper brands I should buy. I can't afford the price tags of MamyPoko etc. Anyone use onwards? What about petpet and FairPrice housebrand diapers?

Too cheap sometimes also not good, as it's not very lasting. Like the above comments. - KCA and Onwards is same from same company, just that Onwards is exclusively at NTUC while KCA is at Sheng Siong. There is one more can't remember what name, about the same but is at CK. - KCA is not so elastic hence the tape is always torn when i tried to pull it a bit more, hence it's tighter compare to Onwards. Onwards is more elastic, so the tape to stick will not get tear off so easily. - It's not lasting at all. 2-4 hours must change if your kid have a lot of pee. I thought it can awhile for me to reach home so i can bring her to bath and change into new diaper after fetching her from school. Who knows the cotton all stick together and hence the pee leak, and it's ok. Almost reaching home, the gel burst and my girl is touching, i wonder what happened and oh my gosh, cotton all together, nvm, it's burst out from diaper, worst. - Pet Pet, i tried only size S feel bulky. If you don't slightly a bit expensive, try Japan version Mamy Poko from Lazada. It's good that you check Lazada frequently. Thursday they have free shipping, as different items charge shipping seperately. I bought it with $10 discount code at "SAFRAYAY". Only can use 1 time per account. So i use my hubby account and buy again. Like that i get to buy the wipes super cheap too! Remember to search as different seller sell different price. 1 seller sell more expensive by $1+. Use shopback, if you don't have account, use the link https://www.shopback.sg/?raf=4rlEy2 to get your 1st $5 when you sign up. I bought 2 times and the rebates is $9+. Like that on 10 times i can buy my diapers for free! With their discount on and off going, i seldom shop outside, i wait for discount code and free shipping to buy! Do download the app as sometime app have free shipping after using discount code. Although cannot use shopback but the shipping cost more than the shopback given. Like that i have 16 packs of wipes and 6 packs of diapers at $100 only. And both brand are very good :) it's not the cheapo brand also. And good is, i don't need change so frequently and scared about leakage.
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I use petpet for my boy during the day. It suits him well. No leaks or rashes. Actually the brand of diapers you buy depends on what suits your baby. Different brands suit different babies because of size, cutting, etc. Don't just rely on the recommendation of others or just ok their own experiences. You'll have to try to find out if it suits.
Read moreI've got a friend who uses FairPrice house brand for along time. She told me her #3 now 22months have been using it and it doesn't give her any problem like leakage or diaper rash. I would suggest you buy and try for your LO before stocking up. My kids have got very sensitive skin, even high price tags diapers gave then diaper rash.
Read moreIf baby is suitable, those low cost diaper also good. For my 2nd one, his butt is ok no rash. Ntuc brand/pet pet/onwards all ok. So I will go for the cheapest. In the mean time, can call or check their website to ask for some diapers sample so u can try it before purchasing.
In fact, Pet Pet is not bad. I ever used it at night and so far it has been good. Onward is advisable to use during the day time as I think the absorption isn't that good. Alternatively, U can opt for drypers too. But from Medical Hall and it is cheaper.
Read moreI feel you have to try out all 3 brands on your LO to know which suits better. Get samples from online/friends. A suitable brand for others may not necessary be good for yours, likewise a suitable brand for your LO may not be suitable for others.
Currently using Pet Pet .yes. Pet Pet cutting is abit small if compare to Huggies..so far no rashes and no leak at night. Going to try Onwards soon as very cheap... cost ard SGD10 per packet from JB, material and review not bad too.
Promo terbesar expert care sudah dimulai, diskon hingga Rp.100.000 sedang berlangsung di shopee, ada juga voucher diskon 100% alias gratis bagi bunda yang beruntung. Buruan cek di https://shope.ee/9UfEMMqqTg (id-7220)
I've tried Pet Pet diapers for my baby. The absorbtion is decent. I do find the cut is a little small for my baby, and it gives her rashes even with diaper cream. Pet Pet also doesn't have urine indicator as well.
I purchase the diapers from shopee. Really cheap from reputable brands (I just bought huggies) when they have flash deals. https://shopee.sg/product/11342466/83486408?smtt=0.0.9 Flash deal ends in 4 hrs.