Will my divorce have any emotional effects on the health of my two year old son?

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You may find this article useful in understanding how to help toddlers adjust to divorce: http://extension.missouri.edu/p/GH6607 For a two-year old, your child is unable to understand the concept of divorce. However, he/she will become aware of the absence of one significant caregiver in his/her life. This may bring about feelings of anxiousness to the toddler. The main disruption from a divorce is that you or your ex-partner will no longer be readily available to your child. Hence, it is important to maintain some form of consistency to help your child adjust to the change. At this age, toddlers tend to be very dependent on routines. It will be helpful to keep to the same visitation arrangement to reduce the anxiety he/she may be experiencing. Apart from that, here are some things you can do: 1. Constantly reassure your child. It is normal that he/she will experience separation anxiety. Take every opportunity to assure your child that he/she will get to be taken care of by both parents. 2. Spend more time with your child. Show that you are available to attend to his/her needs and that despite any changes in living arrangement, he/she is loved and cared for. 3. Encourage your child to discuss their feelings. As your child grows up, you can help them understand that it is normal they experience any negative feelings about the divorce. Understand more about what a toddler can comprehend at their age will help him/her adjust to the divorce. Hope this helps!

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