Eating seafood after giving birth

Hi, my wife gave birth 6.5 weeks ago ( c-sect) and is currently breastfeeding. Can she eat seafood like crabs etc? Thanks!

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Hi, for me I had natural birth but had seafood when I was 1 month post partum and ended up my LO has rashes after drinking my breastmilk due to the seafood. So I took care to avoid after that. My advice will be for your wife to eat a bit to test if there’s any allergy from your LO after consuming her breastmilk before having a seafood feast! 👍🏻

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Thành viên VIP

Yes! It may be a bit cooling but eating in moderation is fine. Chances are low but do keep a lookout for allergic reactions in your baby such as rashes, eczema.

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Seafood shouldn't affect the quality of breastmilk! But some tcm advise to avoid seafood after major surgery for wound healing

Super Mom

Sure! I would recommend fully cooked food (ie. Avoid muscles/shellfish) to be safe (against hepatitis or stomach flu)..

Best to avoid just to prevent any infection or itch to the wound

Super Mom

Staying at mount e I had lobster porridge after birth

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Everything in moderation(:

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After 3months my mum said