waiting game.

Wife asleep what can I do ? First time daddy here.... regret didnt bring charger for myself. Should list a pack bag for father too. :x

waiting game.
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Ask ur parents/family to help you bring ur charger if possible, or help you to bring a charged PowerBank. Rest and sleep, take good care of of urself, because with your wife recovering from labour, you should help out to take care of your wife's well being until she is discharged, let her rest and recover with peace of mind.

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Have some rest! The tiring parenthood journey is starting soon. Congratulations!

Super Mom

Sleep please! Its gg to be a long day ahead.

Thành viên VIP

sleep! or get some snacks haha

That’s not a bad thought!

Super Mom

How dilated is she now?

4y trước


All the best!

Thành viên VIP

rest too!
