Why do people want to have children? - children’s loveliness makes parents happy (but I don’t see the indispensability of this happiness), - children add freshness to the family (that's why many couples don’t stop having children—isn't it rather because they get bored by themselves in life and cannot find a way to have fun?) - “raising” a child successfully (that he/she grows to be a successful one) fulfills one's unrealized goals/ unsatisfied dreams/ego. - children can take care of their parents when they grow old (a well-developed modern society should be able to without much difficulty), what else could be a true appealing/irresistible reason/incentive other than just a routine/tradition (because everyone else does this) or instinct or a way to get someone to inherit their legacy for a couple to have a child/children? Conversely, why might it be appropriate and expected that all individuals should conscientiously choose a childfree lifestyle or not?

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