Why isit that I always feel I try too hard to ensure that my hubby is happy? The tiniest thing that I say or do which may unknowing cause unhappiness to him will end up in him ignoring me for a very long time. The tiniest thing that my kids does to irritating him will also end up in him ignoring me for a very long time. He's rude to me always. Showing temper and black face. I feel sad. Whenever he does or says things that hurt me, I'm ok with him soon after and he acts as though nothing happened. How and what can I do to feel appreciated?

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Communication ia the key. It looks like the both of you have stopped communicating. Hearing and listening is different. We all hear, do we listen? In this case, you may want to talk or write to him. Stating how you feel. Start with the word I and never you. Its better that way. In order for thia to work, both parties must want it. It takes 2 hands to clap, not 1 hand. Try to see if he is willing to talk. If yes listen to him, he sure has pent up unsaid things kept in him. This doesnt apply only to men, it applies to anyone else either. It could be you or me. Maybe ignoring is the only way he knows how to cope. Lastly, hang in dear. I know its tough. Big hugs mummy

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Hi, I think, you need to talk to your husband. Make him sit and address this problem. Since, you are bothered and hurt, you cannot ignore this thing. If it is nature from the beginning then you cannot do much about it, but f it is that he has started being rude with you, then you must speak your displeasure.

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Hi, I think, you need to talk to your husband. Make him sit and address this problem. Since, you are bothered and hurt, you cannot ignore this thing. If it is nature from the beginning then you cannot do much about it, but f it is that he has started being rude with you, then you must speak your displeasure.

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Was he like this right from the beginning ? Sometimes it may be his character not to say out things that he is unhappy with ... n just Keep within him