Ranting no 2
Why do guys keep on playing games 24/7 non stop all the while taking care of a toddler? If you need time out, let me know lah... stop playing games while looking after baby, please and maintain your temper! Do you want your toddler to grow up fearing you or someone she respects. Chose for yourself!

I guess playing games is their way of de-stressing. For me, my way of reducing stress is sleeping and my hubby doting on me or helping me massage, but for my hubby it's playing games. If your hubby's temper is getting worse, maybe he has something that stresses him out which he may or may not know and therefore he resorts to playing games all the time. Try to talk to him instead of nagging or shouting at him, as it might actually be the source of his stress. This is however still much better than alot of other guys whom I know use smoking or drinking to de-stress. If the games he is playing is those once through video games (play once and complete), then discuss with him to limit his gaming time. If his games are those session games (multiplayer games where each session lasts 40mins to an hour) then you can tell him to limit every time to 1 or 2 sessions, or take turns taking care of the toddler, and he can play when you are taking care of the kid. But at this time, both of you should have a little patience with each other as it's already quite stressful taking care of a kid...
Read moreI would rather let him play games than he going out drinking with friends or partying with other girls without your knowledge~~ its their way for passing times and releasing stress..but he cannot just leave his responsibilities as a father. go talk to him
I can totally relate about the games 💯💯